It is good that our church has this every start of the year (sorry for posting this one late). This is not some superstitious beliefs. It is a good practice - to seek God at the start of the year - His will, direction and confirmation about certain things. It's like consecration of the first days of your new year to the Lord. He is worthy!
We bring books and of course our Bibles. I brought my John MacArthur Study Bible and 2 books, Hidden Smile of God and Life is a vapor, both by John Piper. We usually have 4 plenaries/sessions.
During prayer retreat, except for the scheduled 4 plenaries, we are given much free time and should use it to read books, seek God's word and pray... and pray ... and pray.
I came to prayer retreat with the prayer that God would renew my heart for Him. I pray to have my commitment and passion to know Him to get deeper. For me, I had this prayer because I could see that I’ve been growing slowly. And so, this was my prayer.
Throughout the duration of the retreat, God was specifying action points in different areas of my life.
Let me share 3 things:
1. I shouldn’t let anything or anyone even my family or friends hinder me from fully obeying the Lord. I think this has its application already early this year. First is a friend and second is a brother. To both situation, I felt much rejection and devalued. The enemy really knows how to attack me. Security in relationship is one of my weak spots! But God has taught me to let go, die to myself (my own feelings of rejection remembering that He, too, was rejected) and trusting Him that it will be for my sanctification and greater glory in my life. With this, I shouldn’t let them or anything hinder me from stepping out of my comfort zone to full obedience; to renounce fear of the unknown.
2. I should make prayer a lifestyle.
3. I should be motivated to serve the Lord – the holy ambition to honor the Lord; to be motivated by fear and love of the Lord. This start with a simple carrying out of spiritual disciplines like Quiet Time. God got my attention on my lack of pursuit of QT. I do have QT but if I miss it in the morning, it’s like it is not an issue (I miss it, then I miss it, I’ll have it tomorrow). There will be times when we really would miss our QT but the issue is the heart. What I am trying to say is that if I miss my QT, I should not feel comfortable or ok with it.
Through book of Leviticus, I was rebuked! How can I live during the Old Testament times when preparing the offerings (burnt, grain, peace, sin, trespass) require much time and I don’t have time for QT? So, I must strive to have my QT each day. If I don’t have it, it MUST BE A BIG DEAL.