The book is about the lives of 3 great men of God: John Bunyan, William Cowper and David Brainerd. The major theme in their lives is suffering and their faith in Christ and their passion to live for Christ in the midst of these sufferings. I will be sharing the things I learned from their lives but I will not include their biography here. I suggest that one reads the book or biography of each of these men.
To live upon God that is invisible
To a Christian, suffering is normal and useful element in the life and ministry. To associate this with what I learned from “Idols of the Heart” by Elyse Fitzpatrick, suffering keeps us from building our kingdom on earth. In my case, a kingdom is a life of comfort, free from pain and heartaches, free from urgency and from lack of anything. Suffering humbles us and keeps us from being conceited. Like Jesus, my Master, I will suffer in this life. I praise God for the heartaches I have because it brings me to my knees! This is really the purpose of suffering – that we may be drawn to God and to continue to glorify God by depending and trusting in Him. We may lose everything but not God and we will hold on to Him. “For nothing glorifies God more than maintaining stability and joy when we lose everything but God.” (page 46).
John Bunyan was imprisoned… and I am far from that (well, I don't know in the future) He was not the only one that suffered but even his wife and children and yet, he continued in preaching the word of God. Truly, his love for the Lord who is invisible is much greater than any of his close human relations. Human relations is always a struggle. I have the tendency to idolize an existing relationship - be it a relative or friend. But here, I learned that none should be greater than our love and passion for the Lord.
He died without the comfort of his family and home. But he died holding on to his faith to God who is invisible.
To be faithful despite consistent despair/depression
To a Christian, his life need not be full of events but faithfulness to God in our routines. No matter what we are going through or how we feel, we are called to faithful obedience to God. William Cowper’s life is not very much eventful but with consistent struggle regarding his illness. No matter how many times he may have fallen, he comes back with his soul singing new songs to the Lord. Yes, he didn’t demand for reasons of his situation. “There is mystery in my destruction, and in time, it shall be explained.” (page 99) God does not owe us any reason/account of what happens.
To march towards heaven’s gate
“Oh that I might not loiter on my heavenly journey.” – David Brainerd
“God meant to drive him into the wilderness that he might suffer for his sake and have an incalculable influence on the history of missions.” (forgot to note the page)
David’s life – teaches me that God “can use and does use weak, sick, discouraged, beatdown, lonely, struggling saints” who depend on God and trust him that only through Him, can people like David do amazing things for His glory. Oh the great fruit for afflictions!!!
His life was short! But it isn’t in the length of years lived but how this life was lived for the Lord! “Life is to precious to squander on trivial things.” (forgot to note the page)
These godly men pressed on despite great trials and afflictions. Praise be to God for the footprints they left for me to follow.
Jesus Christ suffered so great … it is but right that I, too, suffer. John 15:20, “No servant is greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also…”
God could withhold rest from our soul, so that through restlessness, I may be tossed to His breast. There must be contentment and sweet resignation to God.
I may not be ready to suffer like them but God will provide me grace in time so that I would exactly do what God wants me to do. Until then, may I be found faithful to God for the little sufferings I go through… and to see these things as God-given opportunities to resemble the attitude of these great men of faith to God’s glory alone! What a great assurance that despite all the afflictions, God will bring me home safely. Amen.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Birthday-Dispida for Jaja

Jaja's celebration of her 18th birthday but take note...she is just 17th. This is because she is moving to Georgia, US for good.
"We will miss you Jaja! May you continue to be faithful to the Lord."
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